Thursday, November 28, 2019
Si duhet ta mbajne fjalen sundimtaret Essays -
Si duhet ta mbajne fjalen sundimtaret Secili e di sa eshte per lavdate kur sundimtari e mban fjalen e jeton me nder e jo me dinakeri, megjithate, ne kohet tona, pervoja po tregon se vepra te medha kane bere ata sundimtare qe i kane kushtuar pak kujdes fjales se dhene e kane ditur me dinakeri t'i sjellin verdalle kokat e njerezve, e qe, me ne fund, kane triumfuar mbi ata te cilet jane mbeshtetur ne ligjshmeri. Pra, duhet te dini se ekgzistojne dy menyra lufte: me ligje e me force. E para, eshte cilesi e njeriut, e dyta, cilesi e shtazeve; mirepo, meqenese e para shpesh nuk mjafton, lypset te zbatohet e dyta. Prandaj, sundimtari duhet te dije mire te sillet me cilesite e shtazes e te njeriut. Mbasi, pra, sundimtari eshte i detyruar te dije mire te sillet si kafshe, lypset te zgjedhe prej tyre dhelpren e luanin: luanin, sepse nuk ruhet nga kurthi; dhelpren, sepse nuk ruhet nga ujqit. Duhet, pra, te jesh dhelper qe t'i njohesh kurthet, ndersa luan, qe t'i trembesh ujqit. Ata qe i trashegojne thjesht vetite e luanit, nuk ia mberrine qellimit si sundimtar. Prandaj sundimtari i mencur nuk duhet ta mbaje fjalen nese ajo shkon ne dem te tij dhe po qe se jane zhdukur shkaqet qe e kane shtyre te premtoje. Sikur te gjithe njerezit te ishin te mire, kjo keshille nuk do te ishte e mire; mirepo, mbasi jane te keqij e mbasi ata nuk do ta mbanin fjalen ndaj teje, as ti nuk duhet ta mbash ndaj tyre. Kurre sundimtarit nuk i kane munguar shkaqet e verteta per te arsyetuar mos mbajtjen e fjales. Lidhur me kete, do te mund te jepeshin shembuj te panumerta qe kane ndodhur rishtas e te tregohet se sa marreveshje per paqe, sa premtime kane mbetur te pavlere e te kota per shkak te pabesise se sundimtareve: ai qe ka ditur, te luaje rolin e dhelpres me mire, ka pasur me shume sukses. Mirepo, lypset te dish mire ta maskosh kete natyre e te jesh shtinjak i madh e hipokrit: njerezit jane aq naiv e aq u binden nevojave prezente sa qe, ai i cili mashtron, gjithmone do te gjeje sish qe lejojne te mashtrohen.
Monday, November 25, 2019
buy custom Cumnor Ice Cream Ltd essay
buy custom Cumnor Ice Cream Ltd essay Introduction Cumnor Ice Cream Ltd is primarily an ice-cream manufacturer and supplier but it also operates its own outlets and directly sells to consumers. The company sells a non-premium ice cream brand that does not compete with well established nationally and internationally distributed ice-cream brands. Its market segments include local consumers, independent retailers and institutions (schools, hospitals and community centres). Over the last ten years, the company has faced several different forms of challenges that ultimately question its sustainability. The challenges have stemmed not only from the external environment but also from the internal environment. The company at present has failed to respond effectively to external challenges and has done little to resolve the problems that have risen from the internal environment. For developing an effective management advice for the company, it is fundamental to analyse the external challenges and problems that are currently faced by the compa ny and highlight key marketing, operational, human resource and financial issues that need to be extensively checked upon to identify loopholes and potential sources of competitive advantage for the company. Analyse two significant developments in the macro external business environment that influence demand for ice cream The external business environment that Cumnor Ice cream Ltd operates in has changed tremendously over the last ten years. The industry that Cumnor Ice Cream Ltd operates in is a small one. There are fewer competitors to worry about in the local market. Cumnor Ice Cream Ltd for a long time has the prime distributor and supplier of ice cream to local retailers and institutions. The grave concern for the business is that the demand of its ice cream has fallen. There are two main sources of this problem. The institutional market segment that comprises of schools, hospitals and community centres are now planning to reduce the amount of ice-cream they purchase from Cumnor Ice Cream. Their plans are related with their rising concerns towards more healthy food for the members of the institutions. Its other customers that fall into the segment of independent retailers are not contributing in terms of high demand either. They constitute a smaller market segment whose significance in terms of sales volume is not high in comparison. On the other hand, Cumnor suffers from seasonal trends in sales. Since the brand is most consumable during summers, one bad summer can produce an adverse impact upon sales. The seasonal trends produce a negative effect on the cash flows of the business and its operational efficiency. The ice cream is only sold in high volume during the summers, whereas, during the winters minimum profitability is attained. The company has forecasted that owing to the change in climate, more bad summers are expected in the near future. This would translate into a drastic fall in sales in future for the company. Analyse the key marketing issues at Cumnor Ice Cream Ltd and recommend the marketing actions you think the business should take It is important to note that the company is focused towards operational efficiency and the management philosophy therein is to make ends meet. The company has been over the years more inclined towards survival than growth. This has been due to the lack of marketing focus within the company. The evidence of the lack of marketing management comes from several issues that pertinent to the existing performance of the company (Hitt et al., 2010). The market positioning that the company has established for itself in the area it distributes to shows how less importace the company gives to its own brand. It is positioned in a low-end market where it sells a non-premium ice cream brand that is perceived to be local and not put in comparison against well established ice cream brands available in the area. The fact the companys management has restrained the ice cream under limits of being a non-premium brand undermines its capability to compete in the high-end ice cream market. This pertains to a narrow approach taken by the management for the brand that could otherwise do better considering the fact the consumers actually have shown interest in the ice cream over the years. The company caters to fewer market segments. This is another marketing issue that has paved way for the current position of the company. Because of this, the ice cream is distributed to limited locations. The distribution is mainly limited to the local region. Over the years the company has made no attempt to enter into new regional markets, attract more retailers and more institutions (Doyle, 2002). Brand focus is nowhere in sight for the ice cream. This is evident from the lack of attention given to the product over the years. There are only flavours that are offered to consumers. Since the launch, the company has failed to add to the flavours and has introduced no innovations that could attract more customers and give the brand an edge in the market. The focus has been instead towards how the product is produced rather than what and for whom it is being produced. The company has never conducted proper and formal market researches to identity industry trends and consumer behaviour that could allow it to identify opportunities and challenges. The company has never invested in advertising and promotional activities. Its strategy has been to curtail supplier and customer relations to benefit its long term association with its customers. This has been rendered as an ineffective strategy as the customers are still choosing to cut down on the supply of ice cream. Because of the lack of interest shown to consumer demands and product innovation, the company is now seen to decline as its existing product, positioning and distribution. The company needs to expand into new markets, strengthen its brand positioning, segmentation and image via introducing new product innovations, packaging and flavours and invest in advertising and promotional activities so that it can equip itself to compete against big rival firms in the middle and high-end market and acquire higher revenues with value additions to its product lines (Johnson and Scholes, 2003). Analyse the key operations issues at Cumnor Ice Cream Ltd and recommend the operations actions you think the business should take Cumnor Ice cream Ltd uses a company-owned manufacturing plant for the production of the ice cream that allows it to benefit from the lower cost of production that otherwise would have been higher as the rates of rent of such a location and size of plant are quite high. However, the cost it saves from the rent payout is offset by the excess capacity in the plant that is spared from being used owing to the seasonality of demand of the ice cream. The focus of the operational management is towards cost and production efficiency. The targeted efficiency levels are far from being acquired as the seasonal variations affect the capacity utilization and several resources remain ineffectively managed. The plant hires fewer full time and more temporary staff for the production of the ice cream. The workers are made redundant and the ones employed are made to over work with limited pay raises to allow further costs to be saved. This hard woven operational strategy has allowed the company to bene fit from short term operational efficiency. In the long term, the company has witnessed a fall in the quality of the product that is distributed to custtomers. Where customers have complaints about the quality, employees have complaints about the improper work schedules as well as lack of proper pay scales. The operational strategy has resulted in lowering the morale of the employees that has ultimately affected their performance outcomes and the quality of the product has been seriously hurt. The attempts to improve quality that Julie, Marks daughter has tried to introduce have failed drastically as she has failed to win the cooperation of the employees in the production unit. This has been the direct outcome of the management approach taken by the company that ignores the importance of motivated employees. Analyse the key human resource issues at Cumnor Ice Cream Ltd (including the structure and culture) and recommend the actions the business should take. Having motivated employees whose rewards are linked with performance outcomes is a strategy that is nowhere to be seen (Dess et al., 2004). The management has ignored this element as a large majority of its staff has been hired on temporary basis. Management tends to ignore that the individual goals and values need to be aligned with the companys values and vision in order to expect effective performance from them. The long term employees share either a family bond or a long term in-formal association with the owners of the company. Because of the nature of the recruitment, fewer effective human resource management techniques and practices are made use of in the company. Employees are selected for hiring based on their willingness to be hired for less pay rather than their commitment with the company to produce quality work for reasonable pay. There is no formal structure. A simple functional structure is followed where operational, marketing, finance and administration share limited coordination and communication amongst themselves. Despite of the fact that the company has limited operations and is small in size, its functional departments operate in isolation (Hill, 2009). The management needs to first define values upon which the organisational culture needs to be based. These can be then translated into the structure, strategy, action plans, management approach, management style, departmental goals and individual goals (Gasper, 2006). Analyse the key financial issues at Cumnor Ice Cream Ltd and recommend the financial actions the business should take With rent, salaries and operational expenses under control, the company has less to worry about short term expenditure. However, its continued negative cash flows owing to the seasonal impact on sales have reduced its financial strength. Financial strength can only be revived via bringing in personal capital into the company to invest in marketing activities to boost sales and attain high revenues that could improve the cash flows and allow more retained earnings to be generated (Arnold, 2002). Provide a conclusion highlighting the overall priorities of the business and recommend the key actions that need to be taken in the immediate future The focus of the company has been towards operational efficiency as well as making ends meet. The company is leading towards an unsustainable future because of this very approach. The lack of advertising and promotional activities has forced the end-consumers to perceive it as a non-premium brand and because of which they are not willing to pay more for it. Seasonality is another major concern that produces negative impacts upon operational and financial performance of the company. Marketing initiatives such as product innovations, positioning, segmentation and promotions are required to control the impact on the seasonality in sales. Buy custom Cumnor Ice Cream Ltd essay
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Management - UK based Vodafone group Essay
Business Management - UK based Vodafone group - Essay Example In this essay, I have attempted to examine the Japanese cellular market and have tried to analyze Vodafone's performance in that market. Japan is the most competitive and developed market for cellular accessories and services. According to the '2006 Telecom, Mobile and Broadband market overview', Asia has been ranked as the largest regional internet market.( is noteworthy that among the Asian nations, Japan is the regional as well as the global telecommunications leader. Empirical evidence asserts that internet penetration in the nation is high and it boasts of one of the most sophisticated broadband infrastructures in the world. Furthermore, it has been established that the mobile device is the most common and preferred medium for internet access.DoCoMo, the Japanese cellular giant is at the cutting edge and far ahead of America in offering total interoperability inside Japan. Another feature of this market is that the mobile content industry is very promising. Mobile phone content includes ringtones, standby displays, movies, games,weather reports and news. In the global scenario, Japa n occupies a strategic position in the mobile content market, even though Europe is a developed market by all standards. The telecom landscape in Japan is dominated by NTT's DoCoMo and KDDI.Other operators include Vodafone and Tu-Ka.Some companies are working towards entering the 3G market, this is likely to intensify competiton.According to Japan's Telecommunications Carriers Association, the number of mobile phone subscribers reached 100.22 million as of 31st January 2007.(, Japan is at the forefront of the development of a ubiquitous network society. Besides this, the opportunities for 3G services are abundant. The key providers for this service are KDDI with 19.8 million 3G subscribers trailed by DoCoMo with a 17.6 million-subscriber base. Vodafone claimed 4.8% of the 3G market as of 2005 end. Vodafone's strategic management performance: Business week online (March 2006) had reported, 'Vodafone may beat a hasty retreat from Japan. Five disappointing years after plunging into the Japanese market with a $13.8 billion acquisition of mobile operator J-phone, Vodafone is in takeover talks with Softbank, the Tokyo based internet, broadband and telecom service provider.' The article further points out that, 'over the last few years the British giant has been losing ground. Its market share hovers around 16.7%.Vodafone's troubles in Japan were mostly self-inflicted. It had slashed the budget for network upgrades, delayed the rollout of 3G handsets and tried to make do with global handsets of other markets rather than customizing its lineup for the finicky tech savvy Japanese consumers' Therefore the biggest cellular corporation in the world was struggling in the Japanese market. Following is an examination of some of the managerial policies, which could have hindered its success in Japan. Underperformance of the company could also be because of cultural conflicts. David Jones, CEO of the company tried to introduce the European working standards. Clashes between members affected the company's
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Help My Addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Help My Addiction - Essay Example Nonetheless, there is highly individualized treatment and the rehabilitation is intensive, while an on-going treatment for addicts by addiction psychiatrist runs for five days a week. Treatment approaches are diverse, depending on the clientââ¬â¢s situation. These include group therapies, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), as well as the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Other therapies for body and mind rehabilitation include yoga, music therapies, mindfulness, health education, and fitness programs, among others, After treatment, the overall addiction plan concludes with a follow-up, which may involve consultations with referring providers, a detailed aftercare planning, and family education and support. I chose this center because I believe it is the best center for addicts. The services and handling of patients is done in a classy way. In addition, the treatment is trusted as skilled health professionals perform it. The many testimonies of former drug addicts from McLean Hospital can attest to this. Nonetheless, apart from offering addiction rehabilitation, this center offers many more interventions that are psychological. Moreover, the U.S. News and World Report ranked this hospital first among all the freestanding psychiatric
Monday, November 18, 2019
Principles of Database Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Principles of Database Design - Essay Example At the same time, it retains value system integrity and competitive advantage. The plan is a framework for continual operations under adverse circumstances such as crime or disaster. A disaster recovery plan is a document created to protect a business IT infrastructure in case of a disaster. It comprehensively specifies the actions a business should take before, during and after the disaster Disaster recovery plans take place as a compartment of defining the steps undertaken in business continuity planning. The physical and logical units in an IT environment that necessitate the application of business continuity procedures include internal and external disk storage, microcode and firmware, disk partitions and networking design. The database design principles employed in disaster recovery entail: creating baseline specifications for primary systems e.g. PBX system and secondary systems like call centre or voicemail, determining how and if the system would interfere with the existing systems, establishing who will be using the system and whether network assets are necessary, determining database security, change control requirements (Blokdija et al, 2008). A database-oriented product can be designed depending on the business continuity or disaster recovery activity to be performed- single location or system, maintenance, risk assessment and incident response plans. E-commerce is accelerating the necessity of shorter recovery points and times and greater concentration on dedicated recovery solutions. Business enterprises are more systematized for business continuity planning as a result of greater risks. Many emerging technologies are designed to increase business continuity elasticity, reduce recovery times and reduce expenses. Manufacturers are introducing emergency backup programs into the market to facilitate an increase in CPU capacity during emergency conditions. The increases are stable and paid for per consumption.
Friday, November 15, 2019
What Are The Prospects Of Underwater Building Environmental Sciences Essay
What Are The Prospects Of Underwater Building Environmental Sciences Essay Population in Egypt increased in the last 10 years and reached 80 million with average annual growth 2.04%. Traffic congestion is the largest problem that Egypt faces, and it has a great effect on air quality, travelling time, business, and cost. The government always tries to solve the congestion by building new bridges, flyovers and subways, but unfortunately it fails due to the increase of population. In this report there is a study on building with a new technology which is building underwater. Although underwater buildings exist since 1960 but no one have heard about it. Building underwater will be advantageous to the environment if people succeed in achieving it. Everything can be built underwater like Houses, hotels, spa, restaurants à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ etc. to let people have a good life or vacation. The glamour view underwater of fishes, coral reefs and different creatures encourages people to build and live there. This report will discuss the possibility and the advantages of underwater buildings. The first section will define what underwater buildings are, and show the advantages and acceptance of them. The second will discuss the effect of underwater buildings on the environment. The third one will discuss the effect of underwater buildings on social life and the means of transportation. The fourth will discuss the materials used, ways of building and special requirements. The fifth will introduce the problems which face the underwater buildings. The sixth will show the ventilation systems that are used. The seventh, will be examples of existing and upcoming underwater buildings that make the reader able to visualize the idea well, and able to connect all the parts of report together. Finally, the conclusion will support and recommend building and living underwater to decrease congestion and pollution on the surface of the earth. What are underwater buildings? According to Dr. Khaled Abdelhady (Professor in architecture engineering, Shoubra University), underwater buildings are structures built underwater for different purposes each according to the type of building constructed (personal communication, 2010). It all started in the 1960s by Jacques Cousteaus team in the form of underwater research stations (underwater habitat, 2006). Underwater buildings already exist, but have you ever thought about going to an underwater building? Underwater building is the future foundation that has a great impact on the environment, we will be facing some problems while applying this technology but if we succeed in achieving it, it will be advantageous to our environment as it gets populated. It is true what was written in the Evolo magazine: Approximately 71% of the Earths surface is ocean, even more if climate change has its way; hence it is only natural progression that we will populate the seas someday. (Water-Scraper: Underwater Architecture, 2010). 1.1 Background on underwater building types When Dr. Khaled Abdelhady was asked about the types of underwater buildings he talked about the following types: 1.1.1 Infra Structures He said that infra structures are footings of buildings made under the water to let the building itself above the water, for example the bridges connecting cities like the golden gate bridge shown in figure 1.1 when you can see the base of bridge placed under the water (personal communication,2010). DSI_Seismic_Retrofit_Golden_Gate_Bridge.jpg Figure 1.1: Golden gate bridge (source: 1.1.2 Research centers Second, Dr. Khaled talked about the research centers underwater. He said that there are two types of centers, first is an underwater livings research center which examine and observe creatures underwater, and second there are scientific centers which search for petroleum in the bottom of seas and oceans (personal communication, 2010) 1.1.3 Tunnels As for underwater tunnels Dr. Khaled Said they are passage ways constructed underwater. There is a type made for internet main cables to be divided all over the world, telephone lines, and others. Other type is made for cars to go through underwater channels but for short distance rivers or water passages like tunnel Ahmed Hamdi at the Suez Canal in Egypt (personal communication, 2010). 1.1.4 Museums As for museums underwater, Dr. Khaled said there are 2 types, first one are museums made to see the underwater livings without having to go through the dangers of diving and for very old adults to be able to see them too, second there are museums made to see the old sunken monuments, why underwater? So that you can see them they exact way they were found in a beautiful creative way. And it has already been constructed like in Vasa Museum in Stockholm (personal communication, 2010). 1.1.5 Hotels restaurants and entertainments Another type that Dr. Khaled Abdelhady talked about was the entertainment types of buildings. There are hotels, spas, and restaurants built underwater so that people could have a nice a vacation, a massage or a meal while watching the fishes and creatures underwater. There are also games made underwater like in Disney land roller coaster as shown in figure 1.2 when you can see people getting into the water while on the roller coaster (personal communication, 2010).manta.jpg Figure 1.2: Disney land roller coaster (Source: 1.2 Advantage and acceptance of underwater buildings Underwater buildings have a lot of advantages to people in Egypt. It will lower the crowded places above land. It will increase the technology usage to be able to build it. It will help improve tourism as people will come from all over the world for entertainment under the red sea, and enjoyment of the astonishing numerous kinds of fishes and corals, and in same time conserve the corals from being touched and hurt by people diving. After asking a large number of people if they would accept going to an underwater city for entertainment, vacation or tourism, it was surprising that most people accepted the idea. This means that if the idea actually gets accomplished, it will be widely spread between people so quickly and it will be successful in Egypt. And as you can see in figure 1.3 the number of people accepting is about triple the number of people refusing. Figure 1.3: Chart shows the number of the acceptance and refusing people 3. Social aspects Overcrowding is considered the worlds problem, which is growing constantly and leads to many other problems. This serious dilemma prompted people to think about the colonization of the oceans, which led them to think about the underwater buildings. As we know, water covers 70% of the earths surface, while land areas form a very small percentage. Taking a look at the earth from outer space, we will find that the blue color dominates, and this will raise a lot of questions about how to exploit these areas. From this point, people begin to study the possibility of building underwater and make use of such great surfaces. Lets find out if people will welcome the idea of living underwater in the future, or it will be a useless project. Due to high cost, these underwater buildings will be limited to a certain level of people, and may be considered as a kind of prosperity. However, if we take into account that the technology advances, so there will be a way to reduce the cost. But if complete cities were built underwater, would people accept such change in their life. Some people cannot live without the sun and do not imagine themselves in a place somewhat isolated. Others want really to try this new life, and enjoy the calmness and the glorious vision. In conclusion, living underwater may become a reality if its benefits overcome its difficulties and problems. 3.1 Means of transportation After searching for the possible means of transportation to live under water, it was found that there are two possibilities. First, as many people will think, submarines would serve as the main mean of transportation. For example, thinking about its cost and applicability, we will find that it is the suitable one. Lets move to the other possibility, at a larger scale, and talk about underwater tunnels. There are some existing underwater tunnels, which would be very effective to attain a certain underwater building or complete city in the future. For example, in Dubai, Hydropolis is an underwater hotel, but it is still under construction. As it is described in figure 3.1, the developers of this project explains: It will include three elements: the land station, where guests will be welcomed, the connecting tunnel, which will transport people by train to the main area of the hotel, and the 220 suites within the submarine leisure complex.(Joachim Hauser, N.D.). C:UserspcDesktopHydropolis dubai.jpg Figure 3.1: The land station of Hydropolis (Source: Design build, ND.) 4. Construction and structure aspects 4.1 The material used à Although many materials exist for building, the one that meet the requirements with the lowest costs are to be chosen. At this level the cost will be minimized. . When choosing the materials to be used in the construction, it is important to ensure that the weight limit is not exceeded. (Carl T.F. Ross Mark El-Hajj ) The main material used for construction underwater was a special type of steel and acrylic. The acrylic material is used mainly for visibility, while the steel is used for reinforcements (supports). (Carl T.F. Ross Mark El-Hajj ) High strength steel is used as it is relatively cheap, and has its high yield strength. It is not also a good conductor of electricity and heat. It is a high corrosion resistance. (Carl T.F. Ross Mark El-Hajj ) à Acrylic material is used instead of glass; It is better than glass due to being less dense, and it is also has higher impact strength than the glass. Acrylic gives the natural size and colors of the surrounding materials than glass. It is also good insulator of electricity which is good in seeking the health and safety of customers and underwater creatures. (Carl T.F. Ross Mark El-Hajj ) 4.2 Construction It is known that the wages for underwater construction would be greater than on land construction, due to the difficulty faced during the working underwater. Another problem would arise; the building is large in size. For solving these problems, they divide the building into parts and building each part on land then assemble them under the water. (Carl T.F. Ross Mark El-Hajj, ..) 4.3 Maintenance The maintenance process is a costly process especially when dealing with an underwater maintenance. The below figure shows us how this problem can be solved, by dividing the building into parts that can be separated from the whole building; these parts can be transferred to land so that a cheaper maintenance can take place. (Carl T.F. Ross Mark El-Hajj ) Figure 4.1: The maintenance process (Source: Carl T.F. Ross Mark El-Hajj) The transparent part of the building should be always clean, so that the customers can see the marine clearly in all the time. This situation can be achieved by an automated system which uses a self cleaning coating known as the smart material. (Carl T.F. Ross Mark El-Hajj ) 5 Problem which face underwater building 5.1 Cost Building under water is a very expensive process due to the machines, instruments and skilled workers. Building under water also contains some of welfare as figures (5.1, 5.2) illustrate and it needs to huge budget.Poseidon Figure 5.1: Example of under waters welfare (Source: Dreams, however fabulous, remain unfulfilled without the cash to support the commitment; the hardest part of the process was finding sponsorship to the tune of à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬550m.Thats what brought me to Dubai. Still, it was a battle which took two-and-a-half years and proved tougher than developing the project itself. No bank would pay such an amount. Its a risky investment, as there are no pilots. We had to convince investors that it is safe and will bring returns on investment. (Hauser, ND), so companies accept to co-operate with its rival to complete under water building project. 5.2 The problem of Erosion Erosionà is the process ofà weatheringà and transport of solids (sediment,à soil,à rockà and other particles) in the natural environment or their source and deposits them elsewhere. It usually occurs due toà transportà by wind, water, or ice so engineers should choose the appropriate materials for under water building. 5.3 The location of petroleum Figure 5.2 shows that any accident may happen in the sea to the drilling machines and machinery for searching for oil or to any ship in the sea may harm the design of the building and it is out of control.C:UsersHPDesktoppaste.jpg Figure 5.2: The accident of the drilling machine (Source: http://Oc-Po/Petroleum-from-the Ocean.html http://www.waterencyclopedia.comunderwater-hotels/) 5.4 The problem of heat of water The temperature of the water is highly variable over the surface of the water, it is heated from the surface downward by sunlight, but at depth most of the water is very cold. (Martha R.à Scott, ND) 5.5 The problem of pressure Pressure plays a big role in influencing the foundations of the building also workers face difficulties either during the construction process or during the maintenance process. 6. Environmental building aspects No doubt that the first thing that comes in our mind while talking about underwater buildings is the problem of ventilation. Ventilation is defined as a: process of supplying fresh air to an enclosed space and removing from it air contaminated by odors, gases, or smoke . Therefore, there must be a source of renewable air that helps in breathing, and getting rid of undesirable gases, like carbon dioxide and others. Lets explore a solution, for the ventilation problem, that was applied while building Holland tunnel, an underwater tunnel. Tunnels, specifically, have a great problem with ventilation, due to gases produced by trains and automobiles. This problem was addressed by Clifford Holland, the tunnels designer. His aim was to find ways to clear exhaust fumes and pump in fresh air, achieving this by using ventilation towers, like the one illustrated in figure 5.1, and fans to move air in and out. Finally, air can be renewed every 90 seconds. (Howstuffworks, ND.) Figure 6.1: Inside a Holland Tunnel ventilation tower (Source: Eric and Edith Matson, ND.) The ventilation systems that can be applied while building, can be divided into two methods: natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation. Natural ventilation depends on an open window if the architecture permits, so it cannot be used in underwater buildings. Therefore, mechanical ventilation is applied to ventilate these buildings. The most important thing is the way to get oxygen needed for breathing. Breathing under water could happen in several ways; such as hydrolyzing the sea water, reversing osmosis, or suctioning methods through air pumps. (Chamberland, ND.). Oxygen can be extracted from seawater since people will live underwater, and it will be a practical method. Reverse osmosis is an effective method used in water treatment; and in the future it will be used to get oxygen, while living underwater. Suctioning oxygen, using air pumps, would help in both getting oxygen and providing good ventilation. 7. Examples 7.1 Dubai Underwater Hotel It is still under development. The hotel location will be 33 feet underwater. Its total cost is over $550 million. The land station will be connected with the underwater section with a 515 meter long tunnel through which an automatic train will transport people to the underwater hotel. It is 260 hectares area consisted of 220 suits bubble shaped 20 meters underwater. The hotel will also have several security measures. It has a series of watertight doors in case of any rapture. It will also have its own missile defensive system in case of any terrorist attack. 7.2 UNDERSEA RESORTS- Poseidon Mystery Island The idea was for the American engineer Bruce Jones. The Poseidon Resorts Mystery Island shown in figure 7.1 could be reached by elevator. It is a 1.1 million square foot , 40 feet under water. Room standard area is 550 square foot. (wayfaring,2007) . The budget of the project is $100 million. Figure 7.1: Poseidon Mystery Island (Source: 7.3 Ithaa underwater restaurant It is the 1st of its kind in the world. It is 16 feet below the surface of Indian Ocean. It is encased in clear acrylic. The ithaa restaurant can be reached by a wooden walkway shown in figure 6.2 from over the water. It was hard to build it on the beach of rangali due to technical challenge, limited resources and quality problems. (Wikipedia, 2010). It was constructed in Singapore. Its construction began in May 2004, and it was completed in October 2004 including installation of the acrylic arches, air conditioning and electric ducts. Its life span is 20 years. Figure 7.2: Ithaa underwater restaurant (Source: www. 7.4 Jules Undersea Lodge It is the worlds first underwater hotel, originally built in the early 1970s. It was opened to the public in 1986. (hotelclub,2007).The entrance to the hotel is 21 feet underwater on the sea floor. The Lodge is fully stocked with compressed air.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Capital Punishment Essays -- essays research papers fc
à à à à à à à à à à Capital Punishment He is escorted down to a room with handcuffs on both arms and feet. The tension in the room causes nervousness and a stirring in his stomach, which entombs his dinner from the night before. He is told to take a seat. Still in doubt of his fate he notices the witnesses and their various expressions. His family is grief-stricken, a sharp contrast to the family of the brutally murdered, for which he was found guilty of. If only they knew what he knew; for they would not be strapping him into the chair, soaking a sponge, and placing it on top of his head along with the metal skullcap. If they knew the truth there would be someone in his place today. But alas, the truth dies along with the innocent. Capital Punishment, as read in the scene above, has importance in times dating back to ancient civilizations. Itââ¬â¢s purpose is to permanently disband those unfit to live with society. Even knowing its prominent background, in modern times there is doubt whether or not it is still necessary. Today, in the twenty-first century, there are currently 38 states with the death penalty. The other twelve have life with out parole as the maximum sentence. In the practicing states there were 66 executions carried out in 2001, 85 in 2000, and 98 in 1999. If this trend continues there will be even fewer this year. The states leading execution are Texas and Oklahoma, as of 2001. Texas carried out nearly 26% of the 66 executions and Oklahoma leads with 28%. By region; the South carries out 79% of the U.S. executions, with the Midwest at 15%, the West at 6% and the Northeast at 0%. (Death Penalty Infoâ⬠¦.) The reasons why someone may be sentenced with capital punishment vary from state to state. The most common factors include first-degree murder and aggravated kidnapping. According to the poet Hyman Barshay, ââ¬Å"The death penalty is a warning, just like a lighthouse throwing its beams out to sea. We hear about shipwrecks, but we do not hear about the ships the lighthouse guides safely on their way. We do not have proof of the number of ships it saves, but we do not tear the lighthouse down.â⬠Barshay and other pro death penalty supporters believe that the death penalty deters would be killers. A person would be less likely to do something if he or she thinks that harm will come to them. This is basic human... ... Due to the fact that it costs more to support life with out parole, the money saved from capital punishment can be used to help society in a better way. Both sides have their point in this argument. Although many oppose capital punishment, in most states it is still active whether they believe in it or not, and are still punishable by it. Itââ¬â¢s the choice of society to take a stance and show their opinion. Bibliography Death Penalty Information Center 29 April 2002 Press release, Death Penalty Information Center, Oct. 27, 1992 Denno, Deborah W., Is Electrocution an Unconstitutional Method of Execution? The Engineering of Death over the Century, 35 WILLIAM & MARY L. REV. 551, 664-665 (1994). Karwath, Rob & Susan Kuczka, Gacy Execution Delay Blamed on Clogged IV Tube, CHICAGO TRIB., May 11, 1994, at 1 (Metro Lake Section). Kwok, Abraham, Injection: The No-Fuss Executioner, ARIZONA REPUBLIC, Feb. 28, 1993, at 1. Pro Death Penalty 29 April 2002
Monday, November 11, 2019
Confedrates in the attic
Tony Horwitz in the book, ââ¬Å"Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches of an Unfinished Civil Warâ⬠travels throughout the south following the path of the Civil War he meets many people interesting and different people and visits the cities and towns along the path of the Civil War there are many themes throughout the book, but the two I found most important were Reality, and The Life of a Solider. The reason I choose these as my most important topics are because I feel it is necessary to understand the reality of the Civil War and to do that understanding the life of a solider is necessary.During Horwitz' travels one of the first things he learns is that the reenactments are not as easy and fun as he had expected, however there are people who have the same love as Horwitz but do not take Reenactment's as seriously, ââ¬Å"We try to be authentic, but no one wants to eat rancid bacon and lie in the mud all night. This is a hobby, not a religionâ⬠(Horwitz 130). The life of a soldier in the 1860's was difficult and for the thousands of young Americans who left home it was an experience none of them would ever forget.The average reinactor was male thirty-four, and did this for fun, so magine how harsh it was for an eighteen year-old drafted solider to leave home and eat rancid bacon and lie in the mud all night. ââ¬Å"Soldiers would carry their cards, dice, writing utensils, letters, and other necessary goods for passing time in their haversacks. Soldier often had to carry these supplies as well as several other things that they needed with them at all times. The types and amounts of supplies available to these soldiers depended on the resources of their armies. ââ¬Å"( Capman and Jankoviak 9).Here the textbooks goal is to make students aware of what the reality of a solider as carrying the personal with them twenty-four/seven. Racial Tensions in the civil war Throughout the Civil War racial tensions grew exponentially, this was not a very good thing f or African American soldiers either fighting with the north or being forced to fght with the south. Getting a Haircut in the army ââ¬Å"The Union and Confederate armies were haphazardly raised, badly organized, poorly trained, inadequately fed, clothed and housed, and almost wholly without comforts, sports, entertainments or proper medical careâ⬠(Commerger 1).Im one of ommerger's articles he writes about getting a haircut during the Civil War something that seams so normal to any of us but at camp Cameron there was only one person who knew how to cut hair, one time a man came running through the camp screaming,â⬠The Yankees are coming! â⬠and right there in the middel of his haircut they picked up their weapons and marched into War. How The Civil War Soldiers Marched No hardships were harder than the marching The roads were dusty in the summerand muddy in the winter; the soldiers were dressed in heavy wool, loaded own with fifty or sixty pounds of equipment, often w ithout food for most of the day.It is no wonder that straggling was almost universal, or that thousands of men fell out of line and got lost. It is difficult to know whether the Confederate or the Federal soldiers suffered most from marching. More Confederates than Federals were country bred, and theretore more accustomed to cross-country hiking; on the other hand the Confederacy was low on shoes, and there are any number of stories of Southern soldiers marching barefoot, even in the winter months.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Pollution in Our seas essays
Pollution in Our seas essays Since the beginning of time, human beings have taken advantage of the oceans by using them as a dumping ground. Soda bottles, food wastes, plastic pellets, old tires, fishing equipment, and many other types of debris are dumped into the oceans. This senseless act is killing innocent sea animals at an alarming rate. In addition to harmless marine creatures dying off, our drinking water has become greatly affected as is our ability to use water for recreational purposes. In order to combat water pollution, we must understand the problems, how it affects the ocean, and become part of the solution. Water pollution is any chemical, physical or biological change in the quality of water that has a harmful effect on any living thing that drinks, uses or lives in it (Water...). There are several categories of water pollutants. The most damaging and most numerous of all are plastics. The problem occurs when we no longer need these items and we dispose of them especially the throwaway material used in wrapping or packaging. Plastic does not promptly break down in nature. Which means, the plastics that are tossed in the ocean today may still be around hundreds of years from now causing immense harm. It requires high ultra-violent lights in order for it to decay. One survey in the North Pacific found that 86% of the floating trash was plastics (Threatened... 40). However, the amount of plastic wastes found in our oceans is steadily increases. This plastic can affect marine life in two significant ways: by entangling creatures, and by fooling the predator into thinking that it is food. For example, a plastic bag looks like a jellyfish to a sea turtle. However, if consumed by the sea turtle, it could choke or it could cause a serious infection interna lly. Below is a picture illustrating what a six-pack ring (used to hold beverages) thrown into the ocean can do: In 1992, a group in North Caroli...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Interracial Adoption and Diverse Family Units â⬠African American Studies
Interracial Adoption and Diverse Family Units ââ¬â African American Studies Free Online Research Papers Interracial Adoption and Diverse Family Units African American Studies Adoption laws differ from state to state and even from country to country but one thing that remains is the benefits, happiness and joy it brings to families and children. The practice of adoption dates back at least as far as the 18th century BC, but it wasnââ¬â¢t always a good experience as children were sold into black market. It wasnââ¬â¢t until Hammurabi, who took the corruption out of the process, wrote the first legal reference about adoption. After WWII, organizations attempted to place children within families of other ethnicities and designed programs such as ââ¬Å"Operation Brown Babyâ⬠. During the civil rights movement, interracial adoption began to radically multiply. The family experience is more important than growing up in a same-race environment; orphaned children are better off received care and love from a family unit, regardless of skin color. Throughout the decades, prejudice and racism has plagued this country by encompassing the minds of the each generationââ¬â¢s youth. Not until recently has peopleââ¬â¢s ideologies truly changed to begin accepting other cultures and the notion of interracial families. The Howard M. Metzenbaum Multiethnic Placement Act was instituted in 1994 which ââ¬Å"prohibits an agency that receives Federal assistance and is involved in foster care and adoptive placements from delaying or denying the placement of a child based on race, color, or national origin of the child or adoptive foster parent or the child involvedâ⬠(Wikipedia). In order to remove ambiguous language and any latent discrimination, this act was revised. The Interethnic Adoption Provisions, ââ¬Å"forbid agencies from delaying or denying the placement of a child solely on the basis of race and national originâ⬠(Wikipedia). There are many pros and cons of adopting interracially, however this development provides more benefits than harm. Although it may be challenging for a child to learn their culture with a family who does not share the same background, many believe that these children are still able to grow up as healthy individuals. Same race adoption is falsely considered to make most sense, and to inflict the least disruption in a childââ¬â¢s life. However, by practicing only race-matching adoption, minority children are left in the system to wait; most never getting adopted. ââ¬Å"Minority children made up 60% of those in foster care nationwide in 1994 and waited twice as long for permanent homes as did other foster children (â⬠The longer children are in the foster care system, the less chance they have of leaving. When they age out of foster care, ââ¬Å"27% of males and 10% of females were incarcerated within twelve to eighteen months. 50% of these children were unemp loyed and 37% had not finished high schoolâ⬠. ( The statistics show that it is crucial to provide these children with support and encouragement as they grow older and it would be a crime to deny them this merely because of skin their color. Even if such issues such as culture and identity arise, the family can contribute to helping the child learn about it. Tips for raising a child of a different background include: Become intensely invested in parenting; Tolerate no racially or ethnically biased remarks; Surround yourselves with supportive family and friends; Celebrate all cultures; Talk about race and culture; Expose your child to a variety of experiences so that he or she develops physical and intellectual skills that build self-esteem; and take your child to places where most of the people present are from his or her race or ethnic group ( You should not allow your children to practice racially biased comments or others in your family network. By showing that it is unacceptable you are setting a boundary for your children. If you have a Hispanic child, take them to the Hispanic fair in your town. If you have a black child, buy her a black doll. Show that all cultures are unique, special, and should be celebrated and appreciated. Through discussion of other races and cultures, the childââ¬â¢s background will be rich in culture and diversity. Just by using some of these ideas, you can make having an interracial child a rewarding experience. There are an abundance of horrifying stories in which children are neglected and abused in the foster care system and even in their own homes with their biological families. Two-year old Brianna Blackmond was shuffled back and forth between foster care and her neglectful biological mother. On December 22, 1999, the judge handling Briannas custody case ordered the District of Columbia Child and Family Services to return her to her mothers home. There Brianna lived with her mother, her godmother, and twelve other children in a rat-infested, feces-stained home where the children went without food for days at a time. Two weeks later, Brianna died. Her godmother had beaten her with a belt and struck fatal blows to her head. (Swize) Placing a child in a home based on the biological and or ethnic similarities just reflects a self serving interest. It reflects societyââ¬â¢s agenda to control the fate of economically disadvantaged children. Briannaââ¬â¢s fate is shared with many others who have suffered as the result of a system that cares more about the color of their skin then their quality of life. Regardless of the ethnic similarities a child and parent have in common, this does not mean they are more capable of providing a nurturing environment than a person of a different ethnicity. How can anyone place cultural awareness over a childââ¬â¢s physical well being? The fact that Child and Family Services placed Brianna back into the custody of a parent who had a history of being unable to provide for her is a disgrace. The very agency that is supposed to ensure the safety of millions of children in the system issues death warrants every time they carelessly return or place a child into unsuitable c onditions. The first time Brianna was removed from her biological motherââ¬â¢s home she was placed in a foster home with parents that were not black. The judge in her case openly stated that ââ¬Å"the destruction of the black family (through trans-racial adoption) was driving her crazyâ⬠. This statement reflects the misguided focus and perception of those responsible for the placement of these children. It is obvious that they were anxious to take return her to an ââ¬Å"unfitâ⬠mother for the sake of saving the ââ¬Å"black familyâ⬠. Situations like Briannaââ¬â¢s reveal the contradictions in the debate over trans-racial adoption. Kids are discarded to be victims of the system. The reality is there are not enough black families to meet the staggering numbers of foster children who need parents. Why would one deny them access to a better life based on the color of their skin? The standard that determines a childââ¬â¢s fate should be based on the love and support a family is able to provide not the superficial image of what a family should look like. ` People misconstrue the notion of interracial adoption as trying to obtain a color-blind society and erase the effects of past discrimination which society views as impossible. But this is truly not the case at all. The emotional and physical effects of growing up in the foster care system are far more traumatic than being raised in a trans-racial yet supportive family. Interracial adoption is not aiming at solving societal issues of prejudice but rather to benefit the quality of life of our children. This type environment encourages constructive exposure and identity to oneââ¬â¢s race. Parents who have adopted children of another race may embrace their childââ¬â¢s culture and background by choosing to live in a more racially diverse neighborhood to ensure that their child is regularly exposed to families of the same race. As with any life experience, obstacles will be encountered when adopting a child of a different background but there are ways that you may overcome these. With the amount of minority children in foster care, and the people who have the means of adopting, we should not place a limit. Statistics show that interracial adoption is becoming more common place and it is worse to leave these children in the foster care system rather than placing them in an adoptive home regardless of race. There are ways to integrate an interracial family together and to ensure that the child will not lose their racial identity. An attempt to incorporate a color-blind society in todayââ¬â¢s world is not what interracial adoption is trying to accomplish. The only concern is for the welfare of the flood of children in the foster care system and not to solve deep rooted societal issues. It is imperative to keep an open mind on this topic in order to facilitate the excessive and unnecessary amounts of ch ildren in foster care. The importance lies with providing these children with stable, healthy homes so they will be given a fair opportunity to live a mindfully healthy and happy life. 1. Introduction to Transracial or Transcultural Adoption. 1995. 13 Oct 2006 . 2. Interracial Adoption. 2006. 13 Oct 2006 . 3. Horne, Charles. The Code of Hammurabi. Ancient History Source Book 1910 12, October 2006 . 4. Implementation of the Multiethnic Placement Act Poses Difficult Challenges. United States General Accounting Office GAO/HEHS-98-20409/2006 16, October 2006 . 5. Interracial Adoption. Wikipedia. 2006. 11 Oct 2006 . 6. Swize, Jennifer. Transracial Adoption and the Unblinkable Difference:. Virginia Law Review (2002): 1079 1118. 7. The Adoption History Project. African-American Adoptions. 2005. 16 Oct 2006 . Research Papers on Interracial Adoption and Diverse Family Units - African American Studies19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationHip-Hop is ArtThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseWhere Wild and West MeetOpen Architechture a white paper
Monday, November 4, 2019
Rewright this paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Rewright this paper - Essay Example Creative communities are groups of people that have dedicated themselves to discovering how to introduce new ways of eating, building and communicating to the general society. These communities are designed to discover new models of sustainable living through the creativity of the community members. All creative communities share some characteristics. The members of a creative community try to take care of their needs for things like education and health care within the community. They try to provide for the needs of humanity at the local level and in a way that is safe for future generations. They think locally with the idea of setting an example of proper living for the nation. Some people say that creative communities isolate themselves from the rest of society. They say that this keeps them from influencing anything. This is not true, because member of creative communities participate in institutions of the larger society. This is how they share their ideas and experiences. For a very long time the term designer has had a specific definition. A designer was viewed as a person that made a plan and then other people were to follow the plan. Manzini challenges this view by saying a designer is anyone that acts in for change in society. Therefore, people who wear the title of designer as well as members of creative communities or regular citizens can be viewed as designers. Traditional vies of design are still valid. Designers can operate within their areas of expertise. This way they can imagine and create those things that do not exist yet. What needs to change is the isolation of the designer. Design needs to be seen as a social learning process. In this view, the designer is more of a facilitator than a boss. The designer works with the community enacting change instead of directing the change. The designer needs to use the skills they possess to facilitate the changes. This change makes the designerââ¬â¢s job more complex. Instead of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Resources regarding English 1 writing Annotated Bibliography
Resources regarding English 1 writing - Annotated Bibliography Example The types of writing included on this page are cause/effect essay, comparison/contrast essay, definition essay, description essay, narration essay, persuasive essay and process analysis essay. Each page gives three to four points that should be included in this type of essay. It is a handy reference when Iââ¬â¢m trying to figure out what to write. This site has a lot of the same information as the ââ¬Å"Types of Writingâ⬠site, but adds to it. It discusses the types of writing in a lot more detail, so it would be helpful to come here after I have decided on the type of writing from the other site. After getting an idea of the type of paper Iââ¬â¢m going to write, this site would fill in the details of what is expected and gives extra help on how to write an essay and many other forms of writing. This site gives very practical help on how to write a good essay for university. The author is the wife of a teacher and has a long history of editing and helping students. She points out some of the common mistakes students make and will be helpful to make my essays better. This site walks visitors through the writing process. It helps you get your ideas together, organize them neatly and put them together in an academic way. It is helpful because it gives you choices based on different answers to questions like when the topic is assigned or when no topic is assigned. This site talks about the various styles that people can write in such as a conversational style or a poetic style. It is helpful because you donââ¬â¢t always think about styles like this and it helps to use the right style for the kind of writing you are doing. This site gives a lot of writing help like some of the other sites Iââ¬â¢ve found, but I think it will be most helpful for helping me find out how to do better research. It provides some resources to go to and talks about the research process. The other sites have better information about the writing
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